
Ten reasons why a card-stack will clean your mobile inbox

Swipeable Card-Stack Email

If you want to clean up your phone’s inbox, the most effective way is with a card-stack email app.

Card-stack apps present your email messages as a stack of cards. Each card shows important details so you quickly decide if a message needs your attention. With a judicious swipe, you make a decision and move on to the next message.

Apple App Store users report a slew of benefits with card-stack email apps, such as immediately seeing the contents of each message, or making focused decisions. As one blogger puts it: "It’s the ideal UI for making a decision about now."

What’s all the fuss about? Read on for our top ten reasons to download a card-stack app today.

1. Get more done

Cards automatically present the information you need. Use fewer taps to reveal information, and be more productive. Swipe, read, delete. Next?

2. Make the most of your phone

On your phone, the keyboard is too small for complicated email responses. Instead, filter your email, rather than getting bogged down in nitty-gritty. As one user says, these apps are great for "thinning the herd".

3. Spot important messages straight away

Avoid that uneasy feeling that you are missing something. Automated email filtering systems have their uses, but a card-stack means that you can be positive that you don’t miss any important messages.

4. Get instant gratification

Launch the app and get swiping! Make doctor's waiting rooms and airport lounges productive. You get immediate satisfaction from decluttering your inbox.

5. Trust the swipes

No-nonsense swiping is a quick way to process email and it’s designed to be done with a single thumb. Be sure that only the emails you want to delete will disappear.

6. Focus on relevant information

Cards don't overload you with unrelated information. Instead, focus exclusively on each message and avoid distractions.

7. Stay in control

Feel progress, rather than looming piles of email. Get built-in encouragement to make a decision and take action. As another user says: "It's great for Monday mornings"!

8. Be decisive

Cut to the chase: does this message need any attention?

No: there only two destinations - the trash or the archive
Yes, it needs a quick reply: rattle off a quick reply and then clean up
Yes, it needs work later: no problem, it won't get forgotten, just move on to the next message.

9. Organize for all your devices

Get a "save it for later" workflow that results in an organized inbox for all your other email clients on desktop or mobile devices. Get help even on vacation - your inbox will be lighter after the break, minus the garbage.

10. Try without commitment

Swipeable card-stack apps work alongside your email workflows so you don’t need to replace your existing email tools until you want to.

To start benefitting from card stack email, download EO for iOS from the Apple App Store today.